

NOTE: The ones that say they are added by Corinne are the ones she added on here. The ones She found that she likes or either wants to try will be specified as to where she got them. They are not my recipes.
Some of My recipes are given to me by either family or friends.
"I will specify who the recipes are originally from."

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Spanish Rice (Serves 6-8)

Put enough Oil in large frying pan to cover bottom.

             2 C. uncooked rice and brown
             1/2 C. chopped onion; brown over medium heat
              4 C. water
              1 can stewed tomatoes
              4 bouillon cubes
              2 pinches of salt, pepper, & garlic salt

Stir. Cover and cook on low heat until water is gone - about 15 minutes.
Stir and serve.